Saturday 6 February 2010

100 Up and Plenty to Come

Having started to write blogs in mid July 2008, I am happy to celebrate this, the occasion of my 100th blog. It has turned out that I have more to say than I originally anticipated.

I started out writing my blogs as a personal therapy more than anything else. It was a way to channel my views on various subjects in a more organised fashion, and to allow an outlet for my strong views. Now, having written 100 blogs, I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed the discipline of researching various subjects linked to the Middle East and Jewish issues, and have learned a great deal in the process. Not only has the blog allowed me to convey my view to others, it has also afforded me the chance to reinforce my own views for myself.

Although my writing is only a hobby, it has progressed to the point where I am also publishing my articles on another Jewish blog site - The Israel Situation. In addition, I do a weekly radio slot on the South African Jewish radio station, Chai FM, where I broadcast the Israel Update each Tuesday afternoon. I thoroughly enjoy this and find it very rewarding.

Living in the Middle East and taking an active interest in Jewish affairs around the world, I am fortunate that I am not at a loss for subjects to write about. Judging by the way in which local politics is progressing, it seems like I will have a great deal more to write about - hopefully more of it positive in nature.

I wish to thank all those who are regular readers of my blog and listeners to my radio broadcast. Your support is greatly appreciated. Don't forget that your feedback is always welcome, whatever form it takes.

Special thanks go to my long suffering family who enthusiastically read what I write, listen to my broadcasts, act as my sounding board and editorial committee and are always a fantastic support to me.

There is a great deal more to come yet !! I hope that you will all keep reading and listening with me.

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